Combat Update

Lots of updates, mainly focused on revamping combat:

Added loot drops to ambush encounters as if they were normal encounters.

Ambushes that happen during searches in scenes where enemies were already present, adds to the loot dropped there.

Added a coupon that rarely drops from ambush encounters.

Added encounter types, encounters can be a straight encounter, player is surprised by enemy or enemy is surprised by player. Named enemies are never surprised.

When player is surprised, the enemy gets a free attack when the encounter starts.

When enemy is surprised, the player can click Fight to get a free attack, or run with double the normal chance (which can reach 100% chance)

Added subeffects to offhand gear so that I could differentiate between shields and daggers, giving them more name options and prepping for more offhand weapon types.

Added a new class of offhand items, thrown weapons, equipping a thrown weapon will give the player a free attack on the first round of encounters where the player is not surprised. Deals double damage on encounters where the enemy is surprised.

Changed troll healing to 1% of total health, instead of healing 1 health at a time.

Defeating an enemy now costs 1 energy.

Added new interactables to some basic zones after scene 100: Weapon racks that spawn in Castle zones,  Funeral offerings that spawn in crypts

Added shortcuts that rarely appear after your first retirement, after scene 100. They lead directly to the boss of the zone.

Added secondary weapon/offhand slots for a second weapon set. Added a button on the gear tab to swap between them.

Disabled the ability to equip/unequip in combat, and added a free action for enemies when swapping gear in combat.

Added max range to zones that indicates how far away a new encounter can spawn. Indoor zones with tight spaces don't have long range encounters.

Added encounter range to encounters to determine how far away the enemy is when they are encountered. This will determine how and when ranged weapons will work.

Added bows, crossbows and slings as types of main hand weapon, they require a quiver/bullet pouch off-hand weapon to use.

Added quivers and bullet pouches as types of offhand. You can see how many arrows/bolts or sling bullets an offhand has by inspecting them.

Added two-handed weapons.

Added wands as another ranged weapon type. They have charges that are consumed on use, and recharge when you rest. You can see charges by inspecting the wand in your pack or gear. Wands can be used at any range without penalty.

Two-handed weapons cap out at 75% chance to crit instead of 50% and have higher crit bonuses. They deal 50% more damage than one-handers.

Two-handers have a 1-in-3 chance every attack to have to be readied.

Some weapons were reclassified as two-handed (scythe, quarterstaff, etc)

Added some new sounds for arrows, slings and wands, as well as walking sounds for advancing in combat.

Added trade goods that start appearing in merchant shops after first retirement. Trade goods level up as you progress in zones and sell for higher prices the higher level they are.

Various bug fixes.


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